Business Type

High quality compressed air treatment filters & air dryers (Desiccant & Refrigeration), vacuum filters, breathing air systems,Process Filter, Gas Generator, Air Compressor, Transair (Advanced air pipe system), Hose, Fitting, Accessories & Instruments.After sales service, Test

SUBSTITUTE Bag filters, Compact filters and Box filters This is your energy savers.Most recent filter media inside Up to 5 times more pre filter area  

receiving tank, rolled tank edge, tank ass, tank mouth, complete tank engineering work, tank tank production for all sizes steel tanks, stainless steel tanks, manufacture of steel tanks, stainless steel tanks, water tanks, tanks containing chemicals spare tank for cooling in air conditioning tank, water filter

ผู้ผลิตและจำหน่ายไส้กรองตรา K-FLO สำหรับรถยนต์, รถแทรกเตอร์และเครื่องจักรกลทุกชนิด

ผลิตชิ้นส่วนอิเล็คทรอนิกส์,รับจ้างผลิต Disk Drive Filters, Disk Drive Circulation และ Washing Tray

Water Treatment System, Water Filters Filter Media, Ion Exchange Resin, R.O. Membrane Deionization, Reverse Osmosis System

High quality compressed air treatment filters & air dryers (Desiccant & Refrigeration), vacuum filters, breathing air systems,Process Filter, Gas Generator, Air Compressor, Transair (Advanced air pipe system), Hose, Fitting, Accessories & Instruments.After sales service, Test

High quality compressed air treatment filters & air dryers (Desiccant & Refrigeration), vacuum filters, breathing air systems,Process Filter, Gas Generator, Air Compressor, Transair (Advanced air pipe system), Hose, Fitting, Accessories & Instruments.After sales service, Test

distribute air filters, oily gas filters and oil for air pressing machines of screw type after sale and fixing services for air pressing machines

, rollers, and idlers drivetrain parts: gears, shafts, and clutches electrical parts: starters, alternators, and wiring harnesses consumables: filters, fluids, and lubricants   why choose pakchong hydraulics?