Business Type

manufacturer of herbal and natural soap, tamarind soap, rice milk soap, honey soap, papaya soap, cucumber soap, mineral soap, carrot soap, charcoal soap, star fruit soap, etd.

water tank high quality water tank manufacturer water tank in village water supply steel pipe various types of steel tanks. oil tank heavy steel pump raft steel filter tanks for the production of steel tanks according to the department of mineral resources. water filter used to filter raw water to

manufacturer of herbal and natural soap, tamarind soap, rice milk soap, honey soap, papaya soap, cucumber soap, mineral soap, carrot soap, charcoal soap, star fruit soap, etd.

paraffin wax and other waxes, such as palm wax / hydrogenated palm stearin, microware wax (microcrystalline wax) pe (polyethylene wax / pe wax) wax (slack wax) emulsion wax (emulsion waxing) car nu bar wax (caranuba wax) gel petroleum / vaseline (petroleum jelly / vaseline) mixed wax) used for making

lubricants, clearco, michang and are delivered directly from the source to the user without repacking. 100% safe from contamination and contamination food grade chain lubricants and conveyor systems clarion chain and trolley lube glass oil, white oil, liquid paraffin, food grade clarion food grade white mineral

Sealar Pcywood, Haroboard, Film Pcywood, Paiken Mineral, Celling Board, Formica, Blockboard, Etc

Chemical product used in the industry such as water treatment,water eradicating system, metal galvanized, garment, food, medicine,cleaning, constrution, printed matters, electronic, mineral, animal's food and agricultre.

white oil tong fu (1991) co., ltd. produces and sells white oil glass oil or white oil has the english name mineral oil, cornation oil or paraffin oil. if it's in oil, it's called mineral oil, but if it's in the form of wax, it's called that petroleum jelly it is a clear oil, colorless, odorless

รับเหมาก่อสร้าง ทั่วประเทศ

บริษัท ทุ่งใหญ่ มิเนอรัล จำกัด ผลิตเพื่อขาย และส่งออกแร่ยิปซั่ม เหมืองหินปูนแร่ยิปซั่ม รับจ้างผลิตตามความต้องการของลูกค้า ยิปซั่มพรีเมี่ยม ยิปซัมหินที่มีขนาดต่างๆ ในจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช และยังมีแร่ชนิดอื่นๆอีก เช่น ๆหินแอนไฮไดรต์หินปูนและโดโลไมต์