Business Type

 Acids, alkalis, chemical industry For water systems, swimming pool chemicals, waste water treatment, chemical, food industry, chemicals, agriculture, minerals, and animal feed, such as chlorine, acid, salt, alum, PAC, caustic soda. Nitric acid chemical, biodiesel in general industry.

Spices & Herb, Corn Starch, Tapioca Starch, Salt, Pepper Powder, etc


 Acids, alkalis, chemical industry For water systems, swimming pool chemicals, waste water treatment, chemical, food industry, chemicals, agriculture, minerals, and animal feed, such as chlorine, acid, salt, alum, PAC, caustic soda. Nitric acid chemical, biodiesel in general industry.

รับออกแบบ ผลิต สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์

Silliage, Fragrance, Moisturizer, Thickener, Emulsifier, Wax, Scrub Bead, Herb Extract, Preservative, Special Base, Active for Skin and Hair Care Skin Test Meter

Magnetic Stirrer, Thermometer, IR Thermometer, Viscometer, Food-Oil, Salt meter, Fefractometer, Data logger, Thermohygrograph Fertilizer meter, Spectrophotometer, Conductivity meter, Water Distill

Production of fresh water from the sea (Water Desalinations) by filtration of salt from the sea. Solve the problem of shortage of water or produce sea water for industrial use. Desalination Plants.

 Acids, alkalis, chemical industry For water systems, swimming pool chemicals, waste water treatment, chemical, food industry, chemicals, agriculture, minerals, and animal feed, such as chlorine, acid, salt, alum, PAC, caustic soda. Nitric acid chemical, biodiesel in general industry.