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Crystal Fat Cleanser

Brand :  Crystal
Product Keyword :  Cleaning chemicals
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Crystal Fat Cleanser
Crystal cleaner helps to clean stains, sausages, tea, coffee, mud, dust and sweat.

3 types of grease stain remover, 3.8 liters, 10 liters, 20 liters. Especially grease stains from cooking such as stains, sausages, tea, coffee, rice, as well as blood stains that are not embedded, which contains protein and fat components, mud, dust and sweat. Glitter of fabric colors. Can be used directly on the stain and mixed with detergent or detergent washing down simultaneously. Available in fabric and color. Do not destroy the fabric and fiber. Use as often as you like. Suitable for fabrics in restaurant business. Dishwasher Restaurant Table cloth And gloves.

Buy or ask about chemicals, washing and ironing. Crystal Fat Cleanser
Tel: 0-2453-6230-1, 08-6313-6429.

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