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Consulting to improve Developing and modifying the original production line from the 1.0 era to the 2.0 era, adjusting to the 2.5 era production line or more that operates machines with programs and systems 7 main reasons why develop the production process to a control system to be a semi-automated system until the era 3.0 that is automation or automation, thus reaching the 4.0 era, production systems use robotics or production systems with robots by mechanical engineering team electronic engineer systems engineering and control including technicians Experts in setting up production lines in the field of mechatronics Mechatronics Production Line is trusted by the country's leading industrial plants.

SS Mechatronics Company Limited registration number : 0135560010072 Consultation appointment, survey the area, negotiate business

Call 0-2005-3097, 09-2273-8737


automation or automated production systems

To increase production efficiency to meet international standards ISO, HACCP, GMP, Halal better than manual labor.
Increase productivity at the same time Reduce the amount of waste in the production system Able to accurately calculate productivity over time
To comply with the government policy and the BOI's investment promotion policy
Suitable for manufacturing industries that want to reduce human hand contact. Reduce injuries from various accidents caused by human error in the production line.
Solve the problem of labor shortage especially during the epidemic of various diseases and political problems
Reduce labor costs and other welfare expenses that are only increasing every year But automatic production eliminates the problem of inertia and costs are reduced every year. It can reduce the cost of production of products per unit.
Create an advantage over competitors both in the domestic trade market and in the world trade arena. In particular, many countries in the ASEAN region have already developed production to the 4.0 era.

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