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Non-slip belt spray

Brand :  Non-slip belt spray
Product Keyword :  Non-slip belt spray
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Non-slip belt spray
We design and innovate anti-slip spray belts. To be designed to prevent rubber belts from slipping Helps to extend belt life Helps increase the adhesion force of the belt Save energy, help the belt to operate at full efficiency, protect the belt. Maintain flexibility Reduces noise from belt operation

FILL-TEX 0004: SUPER BELT spray to increase tensile strength by more than 40%, without mixture of raw rubber and turpentine. Therefore does not cause the hunter to decay and tear quickly Makes the belt efficient and secures the service life of the hunter Can be used with all kinds of rangers

Thanarerk Intertrade Company Limited, a distributor of anti-slip spray spray products, lubricants, cleaning fluids And heat resistant grease that helps to create efficiency for the machine Including industrial equipment, we have experts in grease. And various lubricating sprays Give advice and advise on the selection of lubricant products for the correct usage. For the efficiency of lubrication, maintenance, reduce unnecessary losses And to save money Reduce production costs Increase profits for customers

The company sells non-slip spray belts, Tharerok Intertrade
Contact: 0-2957-2213, 094-829-5694


Non-slip belt spray
Used for injection to prevent slippery belts Increases adhesion and reduces belt noise, increases belt performance

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