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Multi Purpose Powder for Crystal Fabric

Brand :  crystal
Product Keyword :  washing powder
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Multi Purpose Powder for Crystal Fabric
Multi Purpose Powder for Concentrated Fabric, Crystal, Hand and Machine Available in fabric and color.

Multi-Purpose Crystal Powder is available in 2 sizes of 10kg, 25kg, fresh fragrance. Easy to clean and easy to clean. Available in fabric and color. It can be easily removed in one step. Bring the color of the fabric to a new fabric without damaging the fabric. And more versatile, it can dissolve the water to wipe clean other household items. Oil stains in the kitchen Including floor and wall cleaning. Clean thoroughly.

Buy or ask about chemicals, washing and ironing. Multi Purpose Powder for Crystal Fabric
Tel: 0-2453-6230-1, 08-6313-6429.

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