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Crystal Wash

Brand :  crystal
Product Keyword :  Crystal Wash
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Crystal Wash
Crystal washers can be washed by hand and washing with a cloth and fiber cleaner than washing with detergent.

Crystal Wash is available in 3 sizes of 3.8 liters / 10 liters / 20 liters. It can be used both by hand and washing machine. Clean, no white stain on the dark fabric. Preserving fabrics and fibers is better than washing with detergent. It penetrates the fabric more quickly, helping to remove impurities effectively with the substance ANTI-REDEPOSITION. Prevent dirt, backflow Up to 7 fragrances (more fragrant when combined with softener and crystalline foam)

Buy or ask about chemicals, washing and ironing. Cleaning Chemicals
Tel: 0-2453-6230-1, 08-6313-6429.

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