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Bangkok Tailor

Product Category :  Dresses-Manufacturers
Brand :  MC Tailor
Product Keyword :  Bangkok Tailor

As a Bangkok tailor, these are the things that I recommend that are defining factors to look good anywhere in a tailored suit

Dress correctly for the occasion. An elegant man knows what to wear and when to wear them. Occasions to wear suits are white tie events, black tie events, black tie optional, semi-formal or business attires, business-casual and casual. Though it would be too comprehensive to go into what type of suits to wear for each occasion individually, a smart thing to do is to educate yourself in what to wear and when to wear them, to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

Know how to match patterns and colors. Choosing the correct patterns and colors for your features and for the level of formality of the function you are attending isn’t rocket science. Educate yourself to choose the correct patterns and colors will make a statement about you. As a rule of thumb, the more textured or patterned a fabric is, the less formal it’s considered to be. Solid colors are on the extreme end of the formal scale, followed by dark pinstripes. While loud colors with polka dots would be considered the other extreme. How you match and contrast your suit with other garments such as inside dress shirt and tie also speak volumes about your knowledge on dressing. Like, if you are wearing a pinstripes suit, wearing a pinstripe tie and/or a pinstripe shirt would not go well with it. Learn to match and contrast. Also, check to see which shades and tones suits you best.

Dressing appropriately for your body type. First off, these are not strict rules but rather simple guidelines to base from. For a short man, getting stripes on would help to appear taller. Also having peak lapels lends in a majestic appearance. For a tall man, especially narrow and thin, try to avoid striping, especially pin stripes. Checkered and plains work well for you. For a heavy man, sticking with solid colors, works. For a thin man, supporting features helps. Like added padding on the shoulders, thicker cuffs, and tapered waist.

Contact : Raja 

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