Business Type

ผลิตเสาเข็ม คาน

ผลิตเสาเข็ม คาน

Ready Mix Concrete, Concrete Products

products concrete drains, sewerage pipes, asbestos cement pipes manholes, drains, broken wells, cement wells, toilet wells, round wells, concrete slabs. prefabricated floor slabs precast concrete floor distributor of wooden piles, piles and concrete piles hollow hexagon pillar concrete fence posts,

. allows the concrete to flow completely into the gaps in the formwork.

ผู้ผลิตเสาเข็ม คานสะพานสำเร็จรูป

ผู้ผลิตเสาเข็ม คานสะพานสำเร็จรูป

paint cement paint, old cement primer new cement primer acrylic paint for interior and exterior paint begercool, begershield, synotex shield primer, beger super quick primer distributor of concrete, brick, stone and sand products for construction.

เสาเข็ม และพื้นอัดสำเร็จรูป

Made from high-density concrete mix, it is strong to reduce cracking problems during installation. It can be used to make sewer pipes that need to drain internal water to the main sewer.