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polyfelt fabric, model ts70 and geo lebtex lt30 synthetic fiber sheet are available in various sizes as follows (roll size 4 x 100 m./roll or 6 x 100 m./roll) synthetic fabric, size 100 g/sq.m. synthetic fabric, size 150 g/sq.m.

houses, paper boxes packaging printing house packaging box, paper bag, wholesale price, factory price, fast delivery paper for printing houses, office paper, stationery stores glossy art paper, art card, double-sided glossy art (2-sided glossy art), double-sided art card paper (2 / s art board), fabric

เคมีพลาสติก เคมีภัณฑ์ เชื้อเพลิง(น้ำมันดิบ) สิ่งทอ

flexible canvas pipe (pvc fabric hose) for work that requires toughness, extreme flexibility, and temperature resistance.

curtains with boxes to hide the curtain rails chiang mai, lamphun stylish curtain track accessories, such as rope curtain straps, come in both double and single lobes. curtain straps, both beautiful, luxurious, tasteful, look very good, chiang mai, lamphun install vertical blinds, blackout blinds color-coated




black-red plate light gasket, fire resistant fabric gasket, width 1 meter cloth gasket, tape width 1-4 inches, cloth gasket, fiberglass tape felt, glass fiber, red fiber, paper, leather waterproof rubber gasket, oil proof, white rubber silicone distributor of boiler industry equipments

habasit f-1 double-sided rubber coated green belt, made from abr rubber and nylon, can be used on both sides, has high friction, holds well on the motor pulley.