Business Type

we accept waste material from the factory for recycling, the shop accepts an appraisal. and give a high price we buy a wide variety of antiques such as buying scraps such as second-hand steel, scrap from building demolition, scrap from factory demolition, steel roof trusses, steel columns


Antique From Europe-Exclusive Antique FromEurope Location in Thailand You Find Hear a Unique Collection Ancient Chandeliers, Clocks, Funitures, Mirrors, Lamp, Sofa, Chair, Painting, Table, Arm Chair, Doll, Kabinet, Side Board, Lightings, Decorations And Much More

ทองเหลือง, ของตกแต่งบ้านที่ทำจากทองเหลือง


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หวาย, เครื่องใช้ทำจากหวาย