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Brand :  Orange
Product Keyword :  Orange
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We import oranges from foreign countries such as China, Korea and New Zealand. We sell both wholesale and retail at a cheap price. Our Hua F shop is located in the Thai market. We have a large cold room for storing the fruits and vegetables that we import from abroad. Not frozen To deliver freshness from the beginning to the hands of customers

Orange (Navel)

Special price oranges
If customers order in bulk For factory delivery, ice cream shop, cake shop, restaurant, we have delivery service all over the country. With a well-equipped cold storage vehicle

Orange basket arrangement service
We arrange fruit baskets, orange garland and auspicious oranges as a gift. Visiting senior relatives. Executives. Customers. We have a variety of services. Organized according to the customer's budget With delivery to the recipient

Interested to order oranges Imported from abroad
Contact: 081-644-6232, 081-258-2918

Please request for more details or contact our customer service for more information.