ขายเครื่องลดความชื้น ดรายเออร์-ดี

Tax Id : 0105562106573

48/300 Soi Hathai Rat 37 Khwang Sam Wa Tawantok, Khet Khlong Samwa, Bangkok 10510
Line ID
Working Time
MON - SAT 8.30 am. - 5.30 p.m.
13.8765963, 100.7212022

Business Information

If humidity interferes with your produce Want to install a dehumidifier or dehumidifier Install a humidifier in the air. Recommended contact Dyer-D. Help solve problems for you, services throughout the country

Good products under the brand Dryers-D Dryer-D with pre-sales service. Give you the right advice. And good after-sales service...

Product And Service

Dryers-D meets all needs with various types and sizes of dehumidifiers to accommodate different needs. Covering applications from home Company, organization Government office And various manufacturing industries To large dehumidifiers for industrial plants in all industrial estates and EEC areas

Newest dryer-D industrial dehumidifier Support...